Saturday, May 24, 2008

The safe removal of work demons

Friedeggs was another very trying day for me at work.

Things improved on the way home, i caught an empty bus and made it home a few minutes early. i celebrated over a couple of beers in the backyard with the wife and cat, chatting a bit with the neighbours and watched their kids play a little soccer.

Back indoors, i looked around for the SNL best of Eddie Murphy disc,couldn't find it, so i went with The Best of Triumph.

Had a pretty decent dinner, then popped in The Marx'Horse Feathers. That REALLY hit the spot. The movie is 76 years old, and there's a fine joke about "TheSpirit of 76" in it. Strange though, the cover says running time 97 minutes, but it only went about 67 in the machine...

After that, i threw in Network, a gift from a very generous and relatively new friend, kind of a "new kid on the block". I Spread out on the couch and submitted to the idea of spending the night there.It's been a LONG time since my last viewing of Network, and it's still as powerful, probably even scarier. It's basically a blueprint for FOX news,reality TV, all that crap. i fell asleep about halfway, and i can't remember any of my dreams, but i'm sure that the lovely Faye Dunaway made at least a cameo appearance.

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